Saturday, January 4, 2014

Quick update--train adventures

Sorry I haven't been able to upload more pics. We have not had good internet connections in Munich. I hope to get the photos online in Rome.

We have had two train adventures in the last two days. Yesterday, coming back to Munich from a day trip to Salzburg, Austria, we got on the train car marked on our tickets and the attendant started yelling at us "GET OFF THE TRAIN!" I tried to explain that we had tickets for this car, and he screamed at us that this car was not going back to Munich. We had to run up five cars and get back on before the rest of the train left without us. And boy, did we run. I was trying to run and count heads at the same time to make sure we didn't leave anyone behind. When we got back on the train, I showed the attendant our tickets and she said we were in the wrong car. I said, "That car didn't come with this train." She started cursing up a storm. They had to fit us in here and there, wherever there was a seat, even in first class!

Then, today, on the way back from Bavaria, when we got on the bus by one of King Ludvig's castles to take us to the train station in Fussen so we could get back to Munich, the bus driver tried to explain something to us that we didn't understand. We spent the entire bus ride trying to puzzle out what she had said. No one guessed that what she was trying to tell us was that the Munich train was no longer stopping at the Fussen station (we still don't know why.) So, along with two other bus loads of people, we got on another bus, took a mysterious ride to a different train station out in the middle of nowhere, and there was a train stopped there. We ran over one set of tracks to jump onto that train. It was more harrowing than it sounds as we had no idea where we were or what was going on. I felt particularly sorry for a young Japanese woman with a giant suitcase who was asking me questions because even though I was trying to reassure her, I did not know what was going on and I do not speak Japanese. Somehow we magically got back to Munich at the time we should have originally. When I relayed all of this to our hotel manager, he nodded knowingly and stated, "Yes, you have been on the trip to hell. It goes places you don't want to go and you don't know why."

Sunday night we take the train to Rome. Let's hope we have better luck on that one!

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